Recommended by Lonely Planet!

We are excited to share that Keolamauloa Farmstay is highly recommended in the current issue of Lonely Planet – Discover Hawaii The Big Island. Lonely Planet is the largest and most respected guidebook publishers in the world, and we’re honored to be included among “the best of the Big Island.”

Lonely Plant - Discover Hawaii The Big Island

Lonely Planet – Discover Hawaii The Big Island

From the guide: “If you’re craving an earthy, back-to-nature retreat, look no further than this well-tended family farm in Paauilo. The comfy accommodations include full kitchen laundry facilities and access to the grounds: towering native trees, fruit trees, vegetable patches, chickens and other livestock, plus distant ocean views. Guests enjoy fresh eggs and produce and are welcome to work and learn. Discounts for extended stays.”

Link to the guide’s website…

  • From our Guestbook

    If you want to get away from the commercial touristic experience of Hawaii this is the place to stay at. The two-bedroom rental is charming and fully functional with full kitchen, outside BBQ and Hot tub! This place will give you a sense of the local life style, making you feel at home and never wanting to leave. I have stayed twice at the Keolamauloa farm and my wife and I can't wait to come back.
    Jean-René (Calgary, Canada)

    This is our favorite place to stay on the island. The property is warm and inviting, and even has a hot tub! They're solar operated, grow several varieties of fruits and veggies, have a huge pet pig, a chicken coop, etc. This part of the island also has endless opportunity for exploration.
    Rebecca H.

  • Life at Keolamauloa

    ohia lehua in the backyard Lovely ladies. Sally sanding her work outside the studio. watermelon lettuce our pig bische